Buddy Bench

Colorful painted design on bench.

"Be Kind Be Nice" Donates a Buddy Bench to Mercer School, and Mercer Artists Make It Beautiful

In a short ceremony, Mrs. McMurray and Joy, Megan and Mary Jo from Be Kind Be Nice, a local nonprofit group advocating for  kindness, dedicated the Buddy Bench, painted by Mercer Artists, to the school.

The Buddy Bench will be installed on the Mercer School playground, and provide a safe space for students needing a friend, or for students to be that friend for a classmate in need.

The bench was donated by the BKBN folks, and Mercer artists designed and painted the bench, with junior Sam Risik and freshman Eureka Skala handling the lion's share of the painting duties.

After the painting was done, teachers were asked to nominate two ambassadors from each grade who exemplified the Buddy Bench ethos to put their hand prints on the bench.

People of different backgrounds gathered around a bench.